Sunday, November 20, 2011


 On Tuesday Nov. 15, 2011 I was appointed to be the official blogger of troop 362!

link coming soon!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My favorite funny - September 2011

This month my favorite funny is    Two eggs are sitting on a kitchen table. One of them spots a whisk and asks, "Whats that?" "Beats me," the other egg replies. Also this month there are some special days SEPT. 2-NAT'L BLUEBERRY POPSICLE DAY, SEPT. 6-READ A BOOK DAY, AND SEPT. 19 -TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY.

The fishing trip!!!

The fishing trip was very fun and productive. I caught 5 fish, and finished fishing merit badge.

This is the view from the diner/hotel

This is what I saw in the morning.

Friday, August 12, 2011

My fishing trip

I am going on a trip with my Grandpa and I will have more on it when I get back on 8/16/11.  I hope to work on my flyfishing merit badge while I'm there.

For a sneak peak, take a look at these photos I found on the Royal W Resort website.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

my favorite funny - August 2011

Each month I get my Boy's Life magazine.  The back two pages are the jokes.  I will share my pick for the best Joke.  For August I have chosen the joke submitted by Adam McDonald, of Parkville, MO.  Here it is:
Warped Wiseman Wonders: "If you cut the tail off a glowworm, will it be delighted?"
Thank You, Folks . . . don't forget to tip your waiter!

In the Foxman's own voice. (My first Vlog) testing 1 -2 testing. . . is this thing on?

My time at H. Roe Bartle scout camp

Down at summer camp I had loads of fun and, I completed 4 merit badges.

     The merit badges I completed are: canoeing, forestry, mammal studies, & geology.  At camp I started the paper & pulp Merit badge, but had to finish it at home.  I found out later that I had completed mammal studies last year at camp so that kind of was a waste of time. (My Dad said that if I sat through the class and didn't remember it, I needed to sit through it again. He's probably right.)  So let that be a lesson to you younger scouts; make sure you sign up for new merit badges each summer.

      The highlight of summer camp this year was when I got my foxman my family was very proud of me especially my dad!  

I also enjoyed having real food on visitor Sunday

 When at scout camp this is how I feel.

... Scout Camp

  • ... Scout Camp, ... Scout Camp
  • The busses that you ride in, they say are mightly fine,
  • But when they turn a corner, they leave the wheels behind.
  • Oh, I don't want to go to ... Scout Camp.
  • Gee, Mom, I want to go, but they won't let me go;
  • Gee, Mom, I want to go home.
  • The leaders that they have here, they say are mighty fine,
  • But when you get up closer, they look like frankenstein.
  • The first aid that they give you, they say is mighty fine,
  • But if you cut your finger, you're left with only nine.
  • The water that they have here they say is mighty fine,
  • But when you try to drink it, it tastes like turpentine.
  • The biscuits that they serve you, they say are mighty fine
  • But one rolled off the table and killed a friend of mine
  • The spagetti that they serve you, they say is mighty fine
  • They rinse it the toilet and drain it on the line/
  • The cocoa that they serve you, they say is mighty fine
  • It's good for cuts and bruises and tastes like iodine.         

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Another Merit Badge requirement I can Check Off!!!!!

Well, I had to use a computer graphic program to design and draw a campsite plan for my troop.  So here it is!

I used the Microsoft Paint program to do this.  I think I might add color or more stuff to it later.  We'll just see.

A-Blogging we will go . . . .

I am only doing this to earn a merit badge that my dad is making me do, but it just might be fun.  The Computer Merit Badge requirment 7c says:

c.Create a blog and use it as an online journal of your Scouting activities, including group discussions and meetings, campouts, and other events. Your blog should have at least five entries and two photographs or illustrations. You need not post the blog to the Internet, but you will need to share it with your counselor. If you decide to go live with your blog, you must first share it with your parents AND counselor and get their approval.

So Here we go!  Stay tuned for more coming soon!

--The Foxman