Sunday, November 20, 2011


 On Tuesday Nov. 15, 2011 I was appointed to be the official blogger of troop 362!

link coming soon!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My favorite funny - September 2011

This month my favorite funny is    Two eggs are sitting on a kitchen table. One of them spots a whisk and asks, "Whats that?" "Beats me," the other egg replies. Also this month there are some special days SEPT. 2-NAT'L BLUEBERRY POPSICLE DAY, SEPT. 6-READ A BOOK DAY, AND SEPT. 19 -TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY.

The fishing trip!!!

The fishing trip was very fun and productive. I caught 5 fish, and finished fishing merit badge.

This is the view from the diner/hotel

This is what I saw in the morning.

Friday, August 12, 2011

My fishing trip

I am going on a trip with my Grandpa and I will have more on it when I get back on 8/16/11.  I hope to work on my flyfishing merit badge while I'm there.

For a sneak peak, take a look at these photos I found on the Royal W Resort website.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

my favorite funny - August 2011

Each month I get my Boy's Life magazine.  The back two pages are the jokes.  I will share my pick for the best Joke.  For August I have chosen the joke submitted by Adam McDonald, of Parkville, MO.  Here it is:
Warped Wiseman Wonders: "If you cut the tail off a glowworm, will it be delighted?"
Thank You, Folks . . . don't forget to tip your waiter!

In the Foxman's own voice. (My first Vlog) testing 1 -2 testing. . . is this thing on?

My time at H. Roe Bartle scout camp

Down at summer camp I had loads of fun and, I completed 4 merit badges.

     The merit badges I completed are: canoeing, forestry, mammal studies, & geology.  At camp I started the paper & pulp Merit badge, but had to finish it at home.  I found out later that I had completed mammal studies last year at camp so that kind of was a waste of time. (My Dad said that if I sat through the class and didn't remember it, I needed to sit through it again. He's probably right.)  So let that be a lesson to you younger scouts; make sure you sign up for new merit badges each summer.

      The highlight of summer camp this year was when I got my foxman my family was very proud of me especially my dad!  

I also enjoyed having real food on visitor Sunday

 When at scout camp this is how I feel.

... Scout Camp

  • ... Scout Camp, ... Scout Camp
  • The busses that you ride in, they say are mightly fine,
  • But when they turn a corner, they leave the wheels behind.
  • Oh, I don't want to go to ... Scout Camp.
  • Gee, Mom, I want to go, but they won't let me go;
  • Gee, Mom, I want to go home.
  • The leaders that they have here, they say are mighty fine,
  • But when you get up closer, they look like frankenstein.
  • The first aid that they give you, they say is mighty fine,
  • But if you cut your finger, you're left with only nine.
  • The water that they have here they say is mighty fine,
  • But when you try to drink it, it tastes like turpentine.
  • The biscuits that they serve you, they say are mighty fine
  • But one rolled off the table and killed a friend of mine
  • The spagetti that they serve you, they say is mighty fine
  • They rinse it the toilet and drain it on the line/
  • The cocoa that they serve you, they say is mighty fine
  • It's good for cuts and bruises and tastes like iodine.